Monday, February 26, 2007

Precious Water!

I am sure it is going to be a fight for water that is going to dominate the world rather than a fight for land or oil or nuke resources!

Having dwelled in the housing board quarters at Madurai and having experienced the acute water shortage during summers, the water shortage that we see in Bangalore is nothing new to me. In fact, I am surprised to see folks not able to manage a cut in water supply for couple of hours. Of course, it is annoying. But I sincerely believe that we got learn to deal with it. Now is the time! It is the time to learn and educate the younger ones also to cope with it. No matter what ever we do, we need to be disciplined in the usage of water and it can come by only through practice. A collective attitude, which has to come from within.

The weekend that just passed by was a special one for us. It was decided by the folks at our apartment that a new bore well needs to be installed to take preventive actions to counter the hot and dry summer that was fast approaching.

Trucks arrived. Pooja was performed. And the drilling started resulting in huge noise and dust. People discussed the ifs and buts of the approach. Some were confident. Some were hopeful, while some feared the might of the rocky layers of Kaggadaspura. The senior folks showed maturity and were bold and confident. It was interesting to observe each one’s opinion.

While all that was happening I was thrilled to see the equipment dig-deep into the soil. A few of us took turns to supervise the effort and it made us discuss topics ranging from God’s concept of the creation of layers to each of ours first experiences with bore wells. Then there would be hours of just staying silent and watching the power of the drilling machine do the talking. Pipe after pipe went in and every time we would count it and note down the time.

A chat with the guy who was at work raised concern levels when he sighted unlucky experiences which yielded no water even after 1000+ foot drilling effort. Fortunately, we saw the first signs of the water bed at around 650 foot and felt happy. The operation was shut down late night and resumed early morning. We soon touched round about 950 foot to be convinced that water heights touched our target level of 2 inches.

Water! Water! Water! Save the precious water!


Shiva said...

Kamal, Yes this is a pressing issue that needs attention and awareness. Water being the source of life is getting depleted and prolly the future generations will evolve to live without water. This might interest you -

Kamal Aanand (Kamz) said...

Correction! It seems water did splash sky high!! When they started removing the pipes. Its a pity that I wasn't there to relish that moment.